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Level 1 Update Application
Level 1 Application
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Mailing List :

Fill out the contact form, reply to the link that you will receive via email.
Anytime forms are made available or the site gets updated you will be notified.

If you have already sent us an email from the contact form you will have been sent a request to join the mailing list.
For Online Payments
Taegeuk 1
Taegeuk 2
Taegeuk 3
Taegeuk 4
Taegeuk 5
Taegeuk 6
Taegeuk 7
Taegeuk 8
We now accept credit card and PayPal, in addition to Cash, Cheque and Bank transfer.

As with all online payments please print a receipt for proof of payment.
At present you are able to pay for:

  • Start Up Packages
  • Monthly Training Fees
  • Insurances
  • Grading Fees
Competition Fighters:

Note: Unless you are hospitalized, all fighters are to be at the very next training session. No if's and's or but's. It is a very important part of being a competitive player with Psychkwondo. Miss this training session, miss the next three competitions.
Training Fee's:

Please ensure all training fees are paid on time. All fees are due by the start of each month or by your first training session back after a break. Any fees that are not paid by the 7th of the month or within 7 days after a break will incur a late payment fee of 15% on top of fees owed.

If fee's have not been paid 14 days after the due date you will be turned away until all your fee's are up to date.
Know Your Club Mates
Will be coming back
CLICK HERE  for information on what break you must perform for your grading.
Members Section

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Psychkwondo Manual

A couple of things to note:
  1. Online payments page is now available. All PayPal fees have been added to the totals.
  2. Policy Change - Non training persons / spectators will not be permitted inside the training hall once training starts. Access to non training persons / spectators will be granted at gradings and posted events only. This privilege may be revoked if anybody interferes with students while grading is in progress. 
  3. Monday 7.30pm - 8.30pm class is now dedicated to sports Taekwondo.
  4. Friday 7.00pm - 8.00pm class is now a Black Belt/Cho Dan Bo only class.

Grading forms will be made available in the forms section. All those on the mailing list will be emailed when the forms are available to print off.

Please ensure all grading forms are back by the due date. Make sure all forms are accompanied with either payment or receipt of payment and your grading books.

 No forms will be accepted:
  • after the due date.
  • without your grading book.
  • without payment.



Note: All those wishing to compete must make Monday Night Sports class. No if's ands or but's.

If you don't train to compete then you don't compete!

Note: Sports class is in addition to your Martial Arts Class. Participation in the sports class does not contribute towards gradings.

Who' up for Paintball?  We have purchased 30 tickets 

Ticket price is $30 per ticket (normally $40), paintballs are not included in this price. Paintballs must be pre-purchased when booking (apparently).

We need numbers before deciding on a date and centre first (more than likely will be Blacktown).

Lunch is provided at the Blacktown Centre.

Min age is 16yrs old.

We will be able to get more info once we get a few numbers.

All interested let us know.

Note: - Open to anyone who wants to come not only to Psychkwondo members so bring your mates and shoot them or even better, bring your not so close mates and we'll all shoot them.

Psychkwondo Social Event:
© Copyright 2010 - 2011 Psychkwondo

Thanks to all of you who have already helped out with the fundraising effort.
For those that are unaware, we are trying to raise funds with chocolate and lolly fundraising boxes.

To date funds raised have been used for:
  • Club celebrations.
  • The subsidizing of members representing the club.
  • The subsidizing of members attending TKD educational courses.

We are currently looking for a volunteer to take on a role of fundraising for the club. If anyone is interested and able to help out please let us know. 

Raising Funds

Guy's please NOTE:

For update and posting notifications "YOU" need to join the mailing list, we cannot add you.
When you send an email through the site you are sent a request asking if you want to be added to the mailing list. You must reply to that link in order for you to be added to the sites mailing list.
Only those on the 'mailing list' get notified. Do not mistake being a member of the site as being on the mailing list.
Postings and Updates

In a bid to keep up with the ever evolving 
techniques of WTF Taekwondo, Amy and 
Pauline ventured off to Melbourne to attend
a 2 day poomsae seminar during the term

Amy and Pauline Go To Victoria

Well done to the guy's that once again stepped into the ring and tried out their skills. While everyone one gave it a good go it was Jay Laughton who really stood out defeating an old rival with a new found desire and the skill level that we know he possess. 
It was unfortunate that someone in our group with no fight experience decided they should talk to one of our guy's about their player. This had such a negative effect on my player that he struggled all day to try and rise above what he had heard, not only that but he spent all day helping the other guy's while trying to fight back the fear that had been installed into him by some thoughtless gossip.
It is so imperitive that people just support our guy's with positive reinforcement of their ability and if you have never been in the ring yourself acknowledge that you really know nothing about the fight game other then that of a spectator.
Remember guy's that you are all welcome to try tournament sparring and become one who can actually say that "I have had a go"

Jay Laughton Black Belt - Gold
Matt Davis Black Belt - Silver
Simon Brannigan Black Belt - Silver
Alex Djamirze Black Belt - Bronze
Thomas Kropman Yellow Belt - Silver

Each month we will put an article in here to assist with the "why's and how's" associated with training.

This months article is about Stretching and The Importance of a correct Jumeok (Fist)
Click Here
Remember : 

Your Time!
Your Effort!
Your Reward!

As with most things in life, the more you put in the more you get out. 

Gradings really show, who doesn't give it their all throughout the training term and who does.

For most of us, a Black Belt is what we are training towards. Remember that you earn every single belt and stripe. While time is a small factor, don't be fooled into thinking that you can get your Black Belt by just turning up.

Well, gone is another Blue Mountains Comp. We had a few first timers this year from 5yrs old through to some in their 40's.

This tournament is always a great starting point for anyone who wants to try out  TKD as a sport. You can never understand the true nature and excitement of a combat sport unless you give it a go, as the many who have now done it will tell you. 

Our regular fighters shone as always which is an indication that you really do need to train more than once a week if you want gold medal results.

First Timers Were:
  • Hayley Bollins (yellow belt) - 5yrs - No Placing
  • Thomas Kropman (yellow belt) - 8yrs - Silver
  • Connor McFarlane (yellow belt) - 9yrs - No Placing
  • Katie Welfare (yellow belt) - 11yrs - No opponent
  • Paul Wyatt (blue belt) - more than 21yrs - Silver
  • Alex Djamirze (Black Belt) - 7yrs - Silver Sparring + Gold - Poomsae
And we had: (Having her second attempt at sports Tkd.
  • Anne Parker (Red Belt) - Silver
Our Regular players:
  • Matt Davis (Black Belt) - Gold
  • Jay Laughton (Black Belt) - Gold
  • Simon Brannigan (Red Belt) - Gold
  • Daniel Curry (Blue Belt) - Gold
  • Sarina Cali (Black Belt) - No Placing
  • Jasmine Smith (Blue Belt) - Silver

Blue Mountains Tournament
August State Tournament

Monday 21st of November change of venue.

All classes for this night only will be held at "Pennant Hills Community Centre, Corner of Yarrara Ramsay Roads, Pennant Hills.

Class timetable will remain the same. 

Monday Night Training Change of Venue

We will be trialing a competition prep class at the start of term four on Friday afternoon at Glenhaven starting at 5pm to 5.50pm. 

This time slot will be aimed more at the younger students and beginners. This is not to say that it is not open to all. While the class is new all will be welcome. We will also be enlisting some of our more experienced players to come by and help out our newer students.

Sparring - (Kyorugi)
This class will be aimed more as an introduction into sports taekwondo. Unlike our Monday night sports specific class which is suited more for but not only the experienced guy's, the Friday afternoon class will be more for the learner. We will be able to work at a pace that will be more beneficial for those who will be new to this aspect of taekwondo.

Patterns - (Poomsae)
Another aspect of competition Taekwondo that many of you may not be aware of is Poomsae. For anyone that may want to try out competition poomsae this is the class for you. Poomsae is strictly a non contact event. You are required to perform 2 patterns at a competition, the pattern of your current level only and the one you would be asked to perform at your next grading.
There are different poomsae events at competition, for more info on poomsae competition, ask Amy.

Please Note: You "DO NOT HAVE TO COMPETE" if you take a competition specific class.
You are more than welcome to train along side those that do without the fear of being pushed into competition. You may be encouraged if you show some desire but you will never be made to compete. Competition is and will always be your choice. 
Competition Specific Beginners Class

Your Reward.

As promised, those of you that take the initiative of stretching in your time you will be additionally rewarded twice.

Your first reward would be to yourself by achieving a better range of movement, we will provide the second. Should you pass your grading and have full side splits along with full front splits with both legs forward you will automatically be given an additional level above what you were grading for. In short, a white belt in their first grading passes they go to yellow 1 stripe. If they have full splits they go straight to yellow 2, yellow 2 passes their grading with full splits they go straight to blue 1 etc.

People with a high level of flexibility also find most activities a lot easier than those with a more limited range of motion hence their ability to achieve a higher level faster. This not to say that we can't achieve a high level with limited flexibility, it does mean however that we must be a little more careful while doing activities so as not to injure ourselves.

While it would be a hard task to find a positive for having very little flexibility there are many positives to having a high level of flexibility throughout your everyday life, not just associated with your Taekwondo training.

Some of our guy's are a little freaked out thinking that they have to achieve the splits. Please know that is not the case, this is an 'incentive' not a have to. Again, as with most things Psychkwondo, your choice your pace.


Grading Bonus

We had a small team of four this year, one of the smallest teams since we began. 

Congratulations to Alex. National Champ for 2011 sparring. Alex had an awesome day winning the Gold Medal in his division convincingly against some high level competition. 

While our team was small our effort as always stood out. Our club has a big reputation in the sports TKD community. We are a club with a reputation of having hard hitting, very competitive, highly skilled players with great etiquette and composure. 

As with all competition there will always be controversy as there was with one of our players, Daniel Curry. Daniel started off a little shaky but came back with a vengeance. His hard hitting take no prisoners approach completely dominated his player which in turn was the sole reason for Daniel's demise. A beautiful technique delivered by Daniel found his opponent faking injury giving him a way out without having to finish the match. The coach of Daniels opponent as always intimidated the centre ref into making a bad call which left Daniel disqualified. Unlike the gold medal Dan left with last year he now has a bronze medal with which to remind him of his 2011 nationals campaign.

Simon had a great day at the office in the Black Belt division but unfortunately an injury he had been carrying for quite a while really started to plague him which made the gold medal round a little tough. Although the match went to the very end Simon as with all our guy's can hold their heads high as they all made their opponents know they had been in a fight.

Thomas did awesome against an old foe doing a lot better this time. Thomas managed to get the scores level at the end of his match which meant a fourth round, golden point round. These situations can be very nerve racking for everyone,  unfortunately for Thomas it was his opponent that scored the golden point leaving Thomas to take the silver in his division.
Alex - Black Belt
Sparring - Gold
Poomsae - Silver
Simon B - Black Belt
Sparring - Silver
Daniel - Red Belt
Sparring - Bronze
Thomas - Yellow Belt
Sparring - Silver

Nationals Results

We have received the dates for Tkd NSW State Tournaments  2012.
The dates for 2012 are as follows:

March 18 - State
August 4th - 5th, State
December 2nd, State.

Nationals are in Sydney for 2012.

Date: September 27th through to September 30th​​

Competition Dates 2012

Distribution of Funds as follows:

Accommodation and Entry for 2 x Assistant Coaches

Entry Costs assistance for Competitors x 4

Assistance for 2011 Nationals from Fundraising

Thanks again to all involved from donations of supplies to those that managed to come down and help out. All assistance was greatly appreciated.

As always we had a great day, a bunch of laughs and managed to sell 47kgs of sausages. Thats nearly 10kgs more than our last effort. 

Besides our great supplies, the skill of our bbq-ers, it is also the great vibe and positive energy we bring with us.

Very rarely is there a dull moment when Psychkwondo is around.

Thanks again all.
October Bunnings Fundraising BBQ

A special thank you to Leanne Bilson for kindly opening her home, offering lots of goodies and hosting an Envy Jewellery party to help raise funds for Psychkwondo.

Thank you Leanne.​​

We would also like to thank all of those that supported this event.​ - Thank you all.

Psychkwondo really appreciates your efforts and support. 
Thank You

Information package and sign up are now available on the Taekwondo NSW website

Click Here​​​
State Tournament Info

While we did congratulate these guy's via a mail out we would still like to offer our congratulations to our 2 newest Black Belts,  Madison Cali and sister Renae Cali through the website. 
Madison and Renae both sat their 1st poom black belt grading at the end of term three along with their cousin Sarina Cali going for her 2nd poom,  Pauline Wong going for her 2nd dan and Nathan Gauci sitting his 3rd dan grading.

These guy's showed awesome determination in their exam. The going was hard as they were pushed to the physical breaking point, yet with teeth clenched, a strong will and determination to succeed, they got through.

(A little Tip)
​While our black belts gradings are physically demanding there is more to receiving your black belt than physical test. A complete understanding of our tenets and oath are another essential part of becoming a Psychkwondo Black Belt.

Well done and congratulations to all who passed their gradings.​​